JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (1993) was an anime series that ran from 2000 to 1994. In total 13 episodes of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (1993) were aired. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (1993) has no reported filler.
One hundred years ago, there was a legendary battle between an evil vampire named Dio Brando and a noble hero named Jonathan Joestar. After a hard-fought battle, Dio seized the dead body of Jonathan to use as his own. In the present, 1989, Jonathan's great-great-grandson Jotaro finds out that Dio is still alive. One day, he believes he's being possessed by an evil spirit and locks himself up in prison. After his grandfather, Joseph Joestar, comes to visit him in prison, Jotaro learns that the spirit is actually a Stand: a fighting spirit with a semi-solid form. When Dio acquired a Stand ability, he caused each member of the Joestar family to inherit one of their own. Jotaro's mother, however, fell ill because her Stand was too powerful for her body. The only way to save her is to defeat Dio, the cause of these newfound abilities. Jotaro decides to join his grandfather on a trip to stop Dio once and for all.
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# | Title | Type | Airdate |
1 | The Evil Spirit | Mixed Canon/Filler | 2000-05-05 |
2 | Hierophant Green | Mixed Canon/Filler | 2000-08-25 |
3 | Silver Chariot and Strength | Mixed Canon/Filler | 2000-10-27 |
4 | The Emperor and the Hanged Man | Mixed Canon/Filler | 2001-04-27 |
5 | The Judgment | Mixed Canon/Filler | 2001-07-21 |
6 | The Mist of Vengeance | Mixed Canon/Filler | 2001-09-28 |
7 | Justice | Mixed Canon/Filler | 2002-01-25 |
8 | Iggi "The Fool" and N'Dool "The GEB" (Part I) | Mixed Canon/Filler | 1993-09-19 |
9 | Iggi "The Fool" and N'Dool "The GEB" (Part II) | Mixed Canon/Filler | 1993-12-17 |
10 | D'Arby the Gambler | Mixed Canon/Filler | 1994-07-21 |
11 | Dio's "The World" - The Warrior of the Void: Iced | Mixed Canon/Filler | 1994-08-09 |
12 | Dio's "The World" - Kakyoin: Duel in the Barrier | Mixed Canon/Filler | 1994-10-21 |
13 | Dio's "The World" - Farewell, My Friends | Mixed Canon/Filler | 1994-11-18 |